Senior Cadets

Age Group: 12 and up

Patrol Leaders: Gale Merriman, Tim Amirault, Paul Wagner

For Cadets entering into the Senior Patrols, whether a former Junior Cadet, a new youth member, or an adult member, we require that ALL mandatory requirements of Saint George’s Dragon Slayers are completed prior to receiving the Saint George Dragon Slayer patch, a Senior Cadet patrol patch, silver AC stars, or leadership roles. All Senior Cadets should be in the 6th grade (or 11 years old and older, adults are included).

Ranking System for Senior Cadets (6th grade and 11 years and up)

1 Star Cadet = 4 Achievement Courses completed

2 Star Cadet = 8 Achievement Courses completed

3 Star Cadet = 12 Achievement Courses completed

4 Star Cadet = 16 Achievement Courses completed

In keeping with the father/male guardian and son Troops of Saint George mission, as a father/male guardian completes the Achievement Course requirements alongside his son(s), the youth cadet will receive a silver Achievement Course Star patch with a Gold border for every 4 Achievement Courses completed together to signify to all their partnership. To secure this special award, the father/male guardian must participate in ALL 4 Achievement Courses completed for each star awarded.